Human Grade DiatomaceousEarth What it is and Where to Find it. DiatomaceousEarth (Human Grade) is a fantastic natural pesticide that deters all manner ofinsects that torment our animals. We feed this as a parasite killer to allour rescue horses. We do not use paste wormers or those that are bagged and put into feed. These are full of chemicals. Here is an overview of the substance andlinks for buying it online if your local feed or garden supply storedoes not carry it. What is Diatomaceous Earth? Itis a non-toxic, safe substance made up from crushed fossils offreshwater organisms and marine life. Crushed to a fine powder andobserved through a microscope, the particles resemble bits of brokenglass. Deadly to any insect and completely harmless to animals, fish,fowl or food. Most insects have a waxy outer shell covering theirbodies, diatomaceous earth scratches through this shell causing theinsect to dehydrate leading to eventual death. General Reviewof Diatomaceous Earth DiatomaceousEarth mode of action for insect and parasite control isstrictly mechanical. The microscopically sharp edges contact the insector parasite, and pierce their protective coating, so they soondehydrate and die. The larvae is affected in the same way. This makesDiatomaceous Earth an excellent and totally natural control, with noindicating of mechanical or chemical damage to the animal tissue. Itcan be used as a dust for fleas, lice and other external pests byrubbing into the coat of the animal. Both internal and external parasite and insect pest control will resultin improvement in health, appearance and behaviour, as well asassimilation of feed, which means improved weight gain and lowered feedcost. Animal Use -Suggested Feeding and Application Rates: AnimalSuggested Rate Equids: 5 ounces (1 cup by volume) in daily feed ration (dosing isbased upon a 1200 lb. horse) For further information about human gradeDiatomaceous Earth, visit these links: Herbal Remedies Diatomaceous Earth ~ Safe to Use Heartland Hollow
Where to find Human Grade Diatomaceous Earth Advanced Hydroponic 783 French Mill Rd Dandridge, Tennessee 37725 Toll Free: 1-800-521-1643 Phone: 865-397-6299 Fax: 865-397-5165 Email: Website: American Agriculture 9220 SE Stark Portland, Oregon 97216 Toll Free: 1-800-433-6805 Phone: 503-256-2400 Fax: 503-256-2402 Email: Website: Asheville Agricultural Systems 45 Banks Ave. Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Toll Free: 1-877-653-4112 Phone: 828-253-4112 Fax: 828-253-4245 Email: Website: Atlantis Hydroponics 1035 Baxter Street Athens, Georgia 30606 Phone: 706-543-9980 Fax: 706-543-9919 Email: Website: Better Than Nature #90 - 2798 Hwy. 97 North Kelowna, British Columbia V1X 4J8 Toll Free: 1-888-868-2299 Phone: 250-868-8978 Fax: 250-868-8850 Email: Website: Growco Indoor Garden Supply 423 Norwood St. SE Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 Toll Free: 1-877-939-6900 Phone: 616-454-6900 Email: Website: Home Harvest® Garden Supply Online 3807 Bank Street Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Toll Free: 1-800-348-4769 Phone: 410-327-8403 Fax: 410-327-8411 Email: Website: Northwest Hydroponics 9315 SE Henry St. Portland, Oregon 97266 Toll Free: 1-888-752-8963 Phone: 503-788-2843 Fax: 503-788-4018 Email: Website: Quick Grow #1, 1204 Edmonton Trail NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 3K5 Toll Free: 1-877-426-4769 Phone: 403-276-5156 Fax: 403-276-5773 Email: Website: The Grow Store 8640-8644 West Colfax Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215-4013 Toll Free: 1-888-510-0350 Phone: 303-205-0350 Email: Website: Greentrees Hydroponics and Grow Lights 2581 Pioneer Ave., Unit D Vista, California 92081 Phone: 760-598-7551 Fax: 760-598-6486 Email: Website: Plantlighting 9140 Ravenna Rd. Unit 7 Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 Toll Free: 888-258-0670 Phone: 330-963-6997 Fax: 330-963-6701 Email: Website: